We are wired for connection

How do we heal, grow, and thrive as humans? I firmly believe it is in relationship.

My clients come to me when they have big dreams for their relationships, but are often stuck or struggling. Sometimes they are trying to figure out how to make an open or polyamorous relationship work. Sometimes something else isn't working. Maybe they are longing for a fulfilling relationship, or they have been feeling disconnected in an existing partnership, sometimes for years. Many have already tried many things, even therapy or couples counseling, and it just hasn’t delivered.

That's where I step in.

So few of us are ever taught how to have healthy relationships. Instead what many of us learn growing up and from our culture leaves us cut off from ourselves and each other. We sometimes end up performing roles that don't fit, locked in patterns that don't serve us, unable to stop fighting with those that we love.

I am on a mission to help you change that.

Love is our birthright.

It's why we're here.

And I have done the work myself. I walk the walk, and I believe in taking my own medicine. I have a coach. I have done many hours of personal and relational therapy in addition to my extensive training as a coach. The practices and skills I teach are the same practices and skills that have radically improved my own life and relationships. That's why I'm so passionate about helping you do the same - I know first-hand how powerful (and sometimes challenging) these transformations are.

  • Some of my identities are: I'm queer, neurodivergent, polyamorous, demisexual/grayace, panromantic, white & antiracist, a mom, a huge nerd...and more.

  • My own journey into nonmonogamy began in 1998. I have been actively practicing nonmonogamy while partnered since 2010.

  • I produced, directed and starred in a sock puppet version of Into the Woods (I was the Baker's Wife of course.)

  • I have run two marathons.

  • I've been swing dancing for 20 years.

  • I used to run a popular weekly karaoke night in DC.

  • I went to Space Camp more than once.

  • I’m living and raising kids within an alternative family structure in Atlanta, GA.


True Facts About

"The experience [with Libby] far exceeded my expectations, and I truly enjoyed our time together!”

— Stephanie Li, Client